Don’t you get frustrated that no one wants to suck your tiny dick? It’s no wonder, that substandard size will please no one, and your only chance of getting the slightest pleasure is to obey an alpha male. If you’re ashamed of your “pride” and get off from a master dominating you, then look for the gay SPH webcam chat at the SM site.
Here you’ll find a total hunk, beautiful but stern in his ways of domination, able to get you on knees, make you whimper from all the scolding, and after all of that, you will look at him with a smile and gladly worship that big dick.
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DomDorian is a hairy bear, and he loves wearing leather vests while you feast eyes on his manly chest, and right below will be his dick outlining on the boxer briefs. Your long stares are going to irritate him, and he will make you strip down so he can be the one watching.
You can imagine his surprise once that chipolata dick sees the light of the day, all shriveled up, like a scared turtle, afraid to stick its head out of a shell. He will laugh of course, in disbelief, pointing at your crotch during the gay SPH chat session, and making you sweat profusely, hell, you might even drop a tear or two.
He will make you put on some pants at least because he can’t focus with that thing out in the open, but his dick, well, that’s a sight to behold. Your master whips it out and makes you watch what a normal dick looks like, 10 inches of pure beauty.
Bow before it and shower him with praise while he’s dropping insults on account of your little dick, and making you watch as he strokes on the gay cams. He will make you use a dildo, the biggest you got to suck on, while he’s beating his meat, and no matter how hard your jaw hurts you will have to keep going, a cockless sub like you is no good for anything else to him.
Maybe you would rather meet a muscular stud like Hard_Henry, so you can watch as the veins pop on both his arms and the sturdy cock at the same time. Maybe he’ll let you see it, but first you will have to be a good boy and serve him the best you can, who knows, you could be a faithful bitch.
He will test your endurance, especially the endurance of your micro cock by torturing it in various ways. He’ll go for the good old flicking, just to prepare you for the harder tasks like carrying weight on it, you’ll have to tie a rope around the tip of your cocklet and something heavy on the other end.
Stand still while he’s telling you what a loser you are in the live video chat, and that no man would even look at you if there wasn’t for him. He could also make you dip it in cold and hot water back and forth, or stepping on it with a heavy boot until it’s enough and he decides you’re worthy of seeing his dick.
While he’s showing it off, you can have some fun, go and hump a pillow with the hands tied behind your back, and pink panties on, so he can have some fun. Even that is enough for you to cum, and when you soil your panties he will make you suck them and taste that measly bit of cum your baby dick busted out.
No matter what you tell yourself, thinking it might not be that little, but the truth will dawn on you, if you can’t compete with other guys, then you are inferior. The only way you can get some enjoyment out of your situation is to surrender your freedom to a master.
That’s why gay small penis humiliation cams exist, so guys like you can experience sexy men, even if their only goal is to dominate and disgrace such losers.